17#define HALIDE_HEXAGON_ENUM enum __attribute__((aligned(4)))
static int align(
int x,
int a) {
20 return ((x + a - 1) & (~(a - 1)));
71} t_eDmaWrapper_TransationType;
311 bool bIsUbwc,
uint16 u16IntermBufStride);
void * t_stDmaWrapperDmaStats
DMA status Currently not use, for future development.
HALIDE_HEXAGON_ENUM eDmaWrapper_TransationType
Transfer type.
struct stDmaWrapper_RoiAlignInfo t_StDmaWrapper_RoiAlignInfo
Roi alignment.
int32 nDmaWrapper_GetRecommendedIntermBufSize(t_eDmaFmt eFmtId, bool bUse16BitPaddingInL2, t_StDmaWrapper_RoiAlignInfo *pStRoiSize, bool bIsUbwc, uint16 u16IntermBufStride)
Get the recommended intermediate buffer size for the L2 cache that is used to transfer data to/from D...
unsigned int qurt_mem_pool_t
struct stDmaWrapper_Roi t_StDmaWrapper_Roi
Roi Properties.
int32 nDmaWrapper_FinishFrame(t_DmaWrapper_DmaEngineHandle hDmaHandle)
This call flushes the DMA buffers.
int32 nDmaWrapper_FreeDma(t_DmaWrapper_DmaEngineHandle hDmaHandle)
Frees a DMA Engine that was previously allocated by AllocDma().
struct stDmaWrapper_DmaTransferSetup t_StDmaWrapper_DmaTransferSetup
DmaTransferSetup Properties.
void * t_DmaWrapper_DmaEngineHandle
Handle for wrapper DMA engine.
void * HAP_cache_lock(unsigned int size, void **paddr_ptr)
Abstraction for allocation of memory in cache and lock.
t_DmaWrapper_DmaEngineHandle hDmaWrapper_AllocDma(void)
Allocates a DMA Engine to be used by using the default wait type (polling).
int32 nDmaWrapper_PowerVoting(uint32 cornercase)
DMA power voting based on Cornercase.
int32 nDmaWrapper_GetDescbuffsize(t_eDmaFmt *aeFmtId, uint16 nsize)
Calculates the HW descriptor buffer size based on the formats that will be used with the engine.
int32 nDmaWrapper_DmaTransferSetup(t_DmaWrapper_DmaEngineHandle hDmaHandle, t_StDmaWrapper_DmaTransferSetup *stpDmaTransferParm)
Setup Dma transfer parameters required to be ready to make DMA transfer.
int32 nDmaWrapper_Wait(t_DmaWrapper_DmaEngineHandle hDmaHandle)
Blocks until all outstanding transfers on the DMA are complete.
int32 nDmaWrapper_Move(t_DmaWrapper_DmaEngineHandle hDmaHandle)
Starts a transfer on the provided DMA engine.
struct stDmaWrapper_FrameProp t_StDmaWrapper_FrameProp
Frame Properties.
int32 nDmaWrapper_GetRecommendedWalkSize(t_eDmaFmt eFmtId, bool bIsUbwc, t_StDmaWrapper_RoiAlignInfo *pStWalkSize)
Get the recommended walk ROI width and height that should be used if walking the entire frame.
Format IDs.
int32 nDmaWrapper_GetRecommendedIntermBufStride(t_eDmaFmt eFmtId, t_StDmaWrapper_RoiAlignInfo *pStRoiSize, bool bIsUbwc)
Get the recommended (minimum) intermediate buffer stride for the L2 Cache that is used transfer data ...
int HAP_cache_unlock(void *vaddr_ptr)
Abstraction for deallocation of memory and unlock cache.
signed __INT32_TYPE__ int32_t
unsigned __INT16_TYPE__ uint16_t
unsigned __INT32_TYPE__ uint32_t
DmaTransferSetup Properties.
uint16 u16RoiX
ROI x position in pixels.
void * pTcmDataBuf
Virtual address of the TCM pixeldata buffer (must be locked in the L2$).
uint16 u16RoiY
ROI y position in pixels.
t_eDmaWrapper_TransationType eTransferType
TransferType: eDmaWrapper_DdrToL2 (Read from DDR), eDmaWrapper_L2ToDDR (Write to DDR);.
uint16 u16RoiStride
ROI stride in pixels.
void * pDescBuf
Virtual address of the HW descriptor buffer (must be locked in the L2$).
uint16 u16RoiH
ROI height in pixels.
uint16 u16FrameStride
Frame stride in pixels.
uint16 bUse16BitPaddingInL2
Should the intermediate buffer be padded. This only apply for 8bit format sucha NV12,...
uint16 u16FrameH
Frame height in pixels.
uint16 u16RoiW
ROI width in pixels.
void * pFrameBuf
Virtual address of the DDR Frame buffer .
uint16 u16FrameW
Frame Width in pixels.
uint16 u16W
Frame width in pixels.
addr_t aAddr
Starting physical address to buffer.
uint16 u16Stride
Frame stride in pixels.
uint16 u16H
Frame height in pixels.
uint16 u16W
ROI width in pixels.
uint16 u16H
ROI height in pixels.
uint16 u16H
ROI height in pixels.
uint16 u16W
ROI width in pixels.
uint16 u16Y
ROI y position in pixels.
uint16 u16X
ROI x position in pixels.