Base classes for Halide expressions (Halide::Expr) and statements (Halide::Internal::Stmt)
Defines Func - the front-end handle on a halide function, and related classes.
Expr random_float(const std::vector< Expr > &)
Return a random floating-point number between zero and one that varies deterministically based on the...
Expr random_int(const std::vector< Expr > &)
Return a random unsigned integer between zero and 2^32-1 that varies deterministically based on the i...
Expr lower_random(const Expr &e, const std::vector< VarOrRVar > &free_vars, int tag)
Convert calls to random() to IR generated by random_float and random_int.
This file defines the class FunctionDAG, which is our representation of a Halide pipeline,...
@ Internal
Not visible externally, similar to 'static' linkage in C.
A fragment of Halide syntax.