Base classes for Halide expressions (Halide::Expr) and statements (Halide::Internal::Stmt)
Defines the internal representation of parameters to halide piplines.
A reference-counted handle to a parameter to a halide pipeline.
This file defines the class FunctionDAG, which is our representation of a Halide pipeline,...
Different ways to handle accesses outside the original extents in a prefetch.
@ Clamp
Clamp the prefetched exprs by intersecting the prefetched region with the original extents.
@ GuardWithIf
Guard the prefetch with if-guards that ignores the prefetch if any of the prefetched region ever goes...
@ NonFaulting
Leave the prefetched exprs as-is (no if-guards around the prefetch and no intersecting with the origi...
A fragment of Halide syntax.
PrefetchBoundStrategy strategy