Base classes for Halide expressions (Halide::Expr) and statements (Halide::Internal::Stmt)
Defines the front-end syntax for reduction domains and reduction variables.
Defines Tuple - the front-end handle on small arrays of expressions.
A multi-dimensional domain over which to iterate.
Create a small array of Exprs for defining and calling functions with multiple outputs.
This file defines the class FunctionDAG, which is our representation of a Halide pipeline,...
Tuple argmax(Expr, const std::string &s="argmax")
Returns an Expr or Tuple representing the coordinates of the point in the RDom which minimizes or max...
Tuple argmin(Expr, const std::string &s="argmin")
Expr maximum(Expr, const std::string &s="maximum")
Expr sum(Expr, const std::string &s="sum")
An inline reduction.
Expr product(Expr, const std::string &s="product")
Expr saturating_sum(Expr, const std::string &s="saturating_sum")
Expr minimum(Expr, const std::string &s="minimum")
A fragment of Halide syntax.