Subtypes for Halide expressions (Halide::Expr) and statements (Halide::Internal::Stmt)
Expr float16_to_float32(Expr e)
Expr lower_float16_transcendental_to_float32_equivalent(const Call *)
Implement a float16 transcendental using the float32 equivalent.
Expr lower_float16_cast(const Cast *op)
Expr float32_to_bfloat16(Expr e)
Cast to/from float and bfloat using bitwise math.
bool is_float16_transcendental(const Call *)
Check if a call is a float16 transcendental (e.g.
Expr float32_to_float16(Expr e)
Expr bfloat16_to_float32(Expr e)
This file defines the class FunctionDAG, which is our representation of a Halide pipeline,...
@ Internal
Not visible externally, similar to 'static' linkage in C.
A fragment of Halide syntax.
The actual IR nodes begin here.