84 friend class ::Halide::OutputImageParam;
Defines Func - the front-end handle on a halide function, and related classes.
Defines the internal representation of parameters to halide piplines.
Dimension set_stride(const Expr &stride)
Set the stride in a given dimension to equal the given value.
Dimension dim(int i) const
Get a different dimension of the same buffer.
Expr min_estimate() const
Expr stride() const
Get an expression representing the stride of this image in the given dimension.
Expr max() const
Get an expression representing the maximum coordinates of this image parameter in the given dimension...
Expr extent_estimate() const
Dimension set_min(const Expr &min)
Set the min in a given dimension to equal the given expression.
Expr min() const
Get an expression representing the minimum coordinates of this image parameter in the given dimension...
Expr extent() const
Get an expression representing the extent of this image parameter in the given dimension.
Dimension set_bounds(const Expr &min, const Expr &extent)
Set the min and extent in one call.
Dimension set_estimate(const Expr &min, const Expr &extent)
Set the min and extent estimates in one call.
Dimension set_extent(const Expr &extent)
Set the extent in a given dimension to equal the given expression.
A reference-counted handle to a parameter to a halide pipeline.
This file defines the class FunctionDAG, which is our representation of a Halide pipeline,...
@ Internal
Not visible externally, similar to 'static' linkage in C.
A fragment of Halide syntax.