// Halide tutorial lesson 3: Inspecting the generated code
// This lesson demonstrates how to inspect what the Halide compiler is producing.
// On linux, you can compile and run it like so:
// g++ lesson_03*.cpp -g -I <path/to/Halide.h> -L <path/to/libHalide.so> -lHalide -lpthread -ldl -o lesson_03 -std=c++17
// LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<path/to/libHalide.so> ./lesson_03
// On os x:
// g++ lesson_03*.cpp -g -I <path/to/Halide.h> -L <path/to/libHalide.so> -lHalide -o lesson_03 -std=c++17
// DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=<path/to/libHalide.dylib> ./lesson_03
// If you have the entire Halide source tree, you can also build it by
// running:
// make tutorial_lesson_03_debugging_1
// in a shell with the current directory at the top of the halide
// source tree.
#include "Halide.h"
#include <stdio.h>
// This time we'll just import the entire Halide namespace
using namespace Halide;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// We'll start by defining the simple single-stage imaging
// pipeline from lesson 1.
// This lesson will be about debugging, but unfortunately in C++,
// objects don't know their own names, which makes it hard for us
// to understand the generated code. To get around this, you can
// pass a string to the Func and Var constructors to give them a
// name for debugging purposes.
Func gradient("gradient");
Var x("x"), y("y");
gradient(x, y) = x + y;
// Realize the function to produce an output image. We'll keep it
// very small for this lesson.
Buffer<int> output = gradient.realize({8, 8});
// That line compiled and ran the pipeline. Try running this
// lesson with the environment variable HL_DEBUG_CODEGEN set to
// 1. It will print out the various stages of compilation, and a
// pseudocode representation of the final pipeline.
// Click to show output ...
> Creating initial loop nests...
> Injecting realization of { gradient }
> Skipping injecting memoization...
> Injecting tracing...
> Adding checks for parameters
> Computing bounds of each function's value
> Clamping unsafe data-dependent accesses
> Performing computation bounds inference...
> Removing extern loops...
> Performing sliding window optimization...
> Uniquifying variable names...
> Simplifying...
> Simplifying correlated differences...
> Performing allocation bounds inference...
> Adding checks for images
> Removing code that depends on undef values...
> Performing storage folding optimization...
> Injecting debug_to_file calls...
> Injecting prefetches...
> Discarding safe promises...
> Dynamically skipping stages...
> Forking asynchronous producers...
> Destructuring tuple-valued realizations...
> Bounding small realizations...
> Performing storage flattening...
> Adding atomic mutex allocation...
> Unpacking buffer arguments...
> Skipping rewriting memoized allocations...
> Simplifying...
> Reduce prefetch dimension...
> Simplifying correlated differences...
> Unrolling...
> Vectorizing...
> Detecting vector interleavings...
> Partitioning loops to simplify boundary conditions...
> Staging strided loads...
> Trimming loops to the region over which they do something...
> Rebasing loops to zero...
> Hoisting loop invariant if statements...
> Injecting early frees...
> Simplifying correlated differences...
> Bounding small allocations...
> Simplifying...
> Lowering unsafe promises...
> Flattening nested ramps...
> Removing dead allocations and moving loop invariant code...
> Finding intrinsics...
> Hoisting prefetches...
> Lowering after final simplification:
> assert(reinterpret((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer) != (uint64)0, halide_error_buffer_argument_is_null("gradient"))
> let gradient = (void *)_halide_buffer_get_host((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer)
> let gradient.type = (uint32)_halide_buffer_get_type((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer)
> let gradient.device_dirty = (uint1)_halide_buffer_get_device_dirty((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer)
> let gradient.dimensions = _halide_buffer_get_dimensions((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer)
> let gradient.min.0 = _halide_buffer_get_min((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer, 0)
> let gradient.extent.0 = _halide_buffer_get_extent((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer, 0)
> let gradient.stride.0 = _halide_buffer_get_stride((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer, 0)
> let gradient.min.1 = _halide_buffer_get_min((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer, 1)
> let gradient.extent.1 = _halide_buffer_get_extent((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer, 1)
> let gradient.stride.1 = _halide_buffer_get_stride((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer, 1)
> if ((uint1)_halide_buffer_is_bounds_query((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer)) {
> (struct halide_buffer_t *)_halide_buffer_init((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer, (struct halide_dimension_t *)_halide_buffer_get_shape((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer), reinterpret<(void *)>((uint64)0), (uint64)0, reinterpret<(struct halide_device_interface_t *)>((uint64)0), 0, 32, 2, (struct halide_dimension_t *)make_struct(gradient.min.0, gradient.extent.0, 1, 0, gradient.min.1, gradient.extent.1, gradient.extent.0, 0), (uint64)0)
> }
> if (!(uint1)_halide_buffer_is_bounds_query((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer)) {
> assert(gradient.type == (uint32)73728, halide_error_bad_type("Output buffer gradient", gradient.type, (uint32)73728))
> assert(gradient.dimensions == 2, halide_error_bad_dimensions("Output buffer gradient", gradient.dimensions, 2))
> assert(0 <= gradient.extent.0, halide_error_buffer_extents_negative("Output buffer gradient", 0, gradient.extent.0))
> assert(0 <= gradient.extent.1, halide_error_buffer_extents_negative("Output buffer gradient", 1, gradient.extent.1))
> assert(gradient.stride.0 == 1, halide_error_constraint_violated("gradient.stride.0", gradient.stride.0, "1", 1))
> let gradient.total_extent.1 = int64(gradient.extent.1)*int64(gradient.extent.0)
> assert(uint64(gradient.extent.0) <= (uint64)2147483647, halide_error_buffer_allocation_too_large("gradient", uint64(gradient.extent.0), (uint64)2147483647))
> assert((uint64)abs(int64(gradient.extent.1)*int64(gradient.stride.1)) <= (uint64)2147483647, halide_error_buffer_allocation_too_large("gradient", (uint64)abs(int64(gradient.extent.1)*int64(gradient.stride.1)), (uint64)2147483647))
> assert(gradient.total_extent.1 <= (int64)2147483647, halide_error_buffer_extents_too_large("gradient", gradient.total_extent.1, (int64)2147483647))
> assert(!gradient.device_dirty, halide_error_device_dirty_with_no_device_support("Output buffer gradient"))
> assert(gradient != reinterpret<(void *)>((uint64)0), halide_error_host_is_null("Output buffer gradient"))
> produce gradient {
> let t2 = 0 - (gradient.min.1*gradient.stride.1)
> let t1 = gradient.min.0 + gradient.min.1
> for (gradient.s0.y.rebased, 0, gradient.extent.1) {
> let t4 = ((gradient.min.1 + gradient.s0.y.rebased)*gradient.stride.1) + t2
> let t3 = gradient.s0.y.rebased + t1
> for (gradient.s0.x.rebased, 0, gradient.extent.0) {
> gradient[gradient.s0.x.rebased + t4] = gradient.s0.x.rebased + t3
> }
> }
> }
> }
> Skipping Hexagon offload...
> Skipping GPU offload...
> Lowering Parallel Tasks...
> Target triple of initial module: x86_64--linux-gnu
> Generating llvm bitcode...
> Generating llvm bitcode prolog for function gradient...
> Generating llvm bitcode for function gradient...
> JIT compiling shared runtime for x86-64-linux-tune_znver3-avx-avx2-f16c-fma-jit-sse41-user_context
> JIT compiling gradient for x86-64-linux-tune_znver3-avx-avx2-f16c-fma-jit-sse41-user_context
> Creating initial loop nests...
> Injecting realization of { gradient }
> Skipping injecting memoization...
> Injecting tracing...
> Adding checks for parameters
> Computing bounds of each function's value
> Clamping unsafe data-dependent accesses
> Performing computation bounds inference...
> Removing extern loops...
> Performing sliding window optimization...
> Uniquifying variable names...
> Simplifying...
> Simplifying correlated differences...
> Performing allocation bounds inference...
> Adding checks for images
> Removing code that depends on undef values...
> Performing storage folding optimization...
> Injecting debug_to_file calls...
> Injecting prefetches...
> Discarding safe promises...
> Dynamically skipping stages...
> Forking asynchronous producers...
> Destructuring tuple-valued realizations...
> Bounding small realizations...
> Performing storage flattening...
> Adding atomic mutex allocation...
> Unpacking buffer arguments...
> Skipping rewriting memoized allocations...
> Simplifying...
> Reduce prefetch dimension...
> Simplifying correlated differences...
> Unrolling...
> Vectorizing...
> Detecting vector interleavings...
> Partitioning loops to simplify boundary conditions...
> Staging strided loads...
> Trimming loops to the region over which they do something...
> Rebasing loops to zero...
> Hoisting loop invariant if statements...
> Injecting early frees...
> Simplifying correlated differences...
> Bounding small allocations...
> Simplifying...
> Lowering unsafe promises...
> Flattening nested ramps...
> Removing dead allocations and moving loop invariant code...
> Finding intrinsics...
> Hoisting prefetches...
> Lowering after final simplification:
> assert(reinterpret((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer) != (uint64)0, halide_error_buffer_argument_is_null("gradient"))
> let gradient = (void *)_halide_buffer_get_host((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer)
> let gradient.type = (uint32)_halide_buffer_get_type((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer)
> let gradient.device_dirty = (uint1)_halide_buffer_get_device_dirty((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer)
> let gradient.dimensions = _halide_buffer_get_dimensions((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer)
> let gradient.min.0 = _halide_buffer_get_min((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer, 0)
> let gradient.extent.0 = _halide_buffer_get_extent((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer, 0)
> let gradient.stride.0 = _halide_buffer_get_stride((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer, 0)
> let gradient.min.1 = _halide_buffer_get_min((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer, 1)
> let gradient.extent.1 = _halide_buffer_get_extent((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer, 1)
> let gradient.stride.1 = _halide_buffer_get_stride((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer, 1)
> if ((uint1)_halide_buffer_is_bounds_query((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer)) {
> (struct halide_buffer_t *)_halide_buffer_init((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer, (struct halide_dimension_t *)_halide_buffer_get_shape((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer), reinterpret<(void *)>((uint64)0), (uint64)0, reinterpret<(struct halide_device_interface_t *)>((uint64)0), 0, 32, 2, (struct halide_dimension_t *)make_struct(gradient.min.0, gradient.extent.0, 1, 0, gradient.min.1, gradient.extent.1, gradient.extent.0, 0), (uint64)0)
> }
> if (!(uint1)_halide_buffer_is_bounds_query((struct halide_buffer_t *)gradient.buffer)) {
> assert(gradient.type == (uint32)73728, halide_error_bad_type("Output buffer gradient", gradient.type, (uint32)73728))
> assert(gradient.dimensions == 2, halide_error_bad_dimensions("Output buffer gradient", gradient.dimensions, 2))
> assert(0 <= gradient.extent.0, halide_error_buffer_extents_negative("Output buffer gradient", 0, gradient.extent.0))
> assert(0 <= gradient.extent.1, halide_error_buffer_extents_negative("Output buffer gradient", 1, gradient.extent.1))
> assert(gradient.stride.0 == 1, halide_error_constraint_violated("gradient.stride.0", gradient.stride.0, "1", 1))
> let gradient.total_extent.1 = int64(gradient.extent.1)*int64(gradient.extent.0)
> assert(uint64(gradient.extent.0) <= (uint64)2147483647, halide_error_buffer_allocation_too_large("gradient", uint64(gradient.extent.0), (uint64)2147483647))
> assert((uint64)abs(int64(gradient.extent.1)*int64(gradient.stride.1)) <= (uint64)2147483647, halide_error_buffer_allocation_too_large("gradient", (uint64)abs(int64(gradient.extent.1)*int64(gradient.stride.1)), (uint64)2147483647))
> assert(gradient.total_extent.1 <= (int64)2147483647, halide_error_buffer_extents_too_large("gradient", gradient.total_extent.1, (int64)2147483647))
> assert(!gradient.device_dirty, halide_error_device_dirty_with_no_device_support("Output buffer gradient"))
> assert(gradient != reinterpret<(void *)>((uint64)0), halide_error_host_is_null("Output buffer gradient"))
> produce gradient {
> let t7 = 0 - (gradient.min.1*gradient.stride.1)
> let t6 = gradient.min.0 + gradient.min.1
> for (gradient.s0.y.rebased, 0, gradient.extent.1) {
> let t9 = ((gradient.min.1 + gradient.s0.y.rebased)*gradient.stride.1) + t7
> let t8 = gradient.s0.y.rebased + t6
> for (gradient.s0.x.rebased, 0, gradient.extent.0) {
> gradient[gradient.s0.x.rebased + t9] = gradient.s0.x.rebased + t8
> }
> }
> }
> }
> Skipping Hexagon offload...
> Skipping GPU offload...
> Lowering Parallel Tasks...
> add_temp_object_file: /tmp/0J9DzW/gradient.stmt.html.s
> Module.compile(): creating temp file for assembly output at /tmp/0J9DzW/gradient.stmt.html.s
> Target triple of initial module: x86_64--linux-gnu
> Generating llvm bitcode...
> Generating llvm bitcode prolog for function gradient...
> Generating llvm bitcode for function gradient...
> Module.compile(): assembly /tmp/0J9DzW/gradient.stmt.html.s
> emit_file.Compiling to native code...
> Module.compile(): stmt_html gradient.stmt.html
> Done generating HTML IR Visualization - printed to: gradient.stmt.html
> file_unlink: /tmp/0J9DzW/gradient.stmt.html.s
> dir_rmdir: /tmp/0J9DzW
// If you set HL_DEBUG_CODEGEN to a higher number, you can see
// more and more details of how Halide compiles your pipeline.
// Setting HL_DEBUG_CODEGEN=2 shows the Halide code at each stage
// of compilation, and also the llvm bitcode we generate at the
// end.
// Halide will also output an HTML version of this output, which
// supports syntax highlighting and code-folding, so it can be
// nicer to read for large pipelines. Open gradient.stmt.html" with your
// browser after running this tutorial.
gradient.compile_to_lowered_stmt("gradient.stmt.html", {}, HTML);
// You can usually figure out what code Halide is generating using
// this pseudocode. In the next lesson we'll see how to snoop on
// Halide at runtime.
return 0;