14namespace Autoscheduler {
103 std::vector<double> *cost_per_stage_ptr) = 0;
Defines a Buffer type that wraps from halide_buffer_t and adds functionality, and methods for more co...
virtual void set_pipeline_features(const Internal::Autoscheduler::FunctionDAG &dag, const Internal::Autoscheduler::Anderson2021Params ¶ms)=0
virtual ~CostModel()=default
virtual void enqueue(const Internal::Autoscheduler::FunctionDAG &dag, const Halide::Internal::Autoscheduler::StageMapOfScheduleFeatures &schedule_feats, double *cost_ptr, std::vector< double > *cost_per_stage_ptr)=0
virtual void evaluate_costs()=0
PerfectHashMap< FunctionDAG::Node::Stage, ScheduleFeatures > StageMapOfScheduleFeatures
This file defines the class FunctionDAG, which is our representation of a Halide pipeline,...
@ Internal
Not visible externally, similar to 'static' linkage in C.
signed __INT64_TYPE__ int64_t
int random_dropout
percent chance of accepting each state in the beam.
int shared_memory_limit_kb
TODO: document me Formerly HL_SHARED_MEMORY_LIMIT.
int randomize_tilings
If set to nonzero value, only a random subset of the generated tilings for each stage will be accepte...
std::string weights_path
When training or schedule, read weights from this directory or file.
int parallelism
Maximum level of parallelism available.
int num_passes
User-requested specific number of passes.
std::string search_space_options
Expects a string of four 0/1 values that allow/disallow the following options: compute root,...
int freeze_inline_compute_root
If set to nonzero value, run a pre-pass where only compute_root and inline scheduling options are con...
int shared_memory_sm_limit_kb
TODO: document me Formerly HL_SHARED_MEMORY_SM_LIMIT.
double stack_factor
TODO: document me Formerly HL_STACK_FACTOR.
int64_t random_dropout_seed
Random seed used by the random dropout.
int beam_size
Beam size to use in the beam search.
int disable_subtiling
If set to nonzero value: limits the search space to that of Mullapudi et al.
int active_block_limit
TODO: document me Formerly HL_ACTIVE_BLOCK_LIMIT.
std::string partial_schedule_path
If nonempty, load the initial (partial) schedule from the given file.
int active_warp_limit
TODO: document me Formerly HL_ACTIVE_WARP_LIMIT.